Tantaros: Democrats Think A Woman With Five Kids, A Beehive And Union Husband Should Be On Welfare And A Democrat

Speaking at the Claire Boothe Luce Policy Institute Conservative Leadership Seminar, Republican strategist Andrea Tantaros apparently believes that De

Speaking at the Claire Boothe Luce Policy Institute Conservative Leadership Seminar, Republican strategist Andrea Tantaros apparently believes that Democrats think all women with five kids should be on welfare, that Todd Palin's union membership would dupe union members into believing that Sarah Palin or the Republican Party is friendly to labor and that only Republicans have the right to pander to religious voters, because of course when they do it, they're sincere, unlike those heathen Democrats who believe in separation of church and state.

Andrea Tantaros: I think Sarah Palin is so threatening to the left is not because they say she's a prophet or whatever, because I think that she scares the Catholic vote, she scares the Democrats who are Catholic, the union vote because Democrats look at her and they think "Wait a minute, a woman with five kids, a bee hive and a husband in a union, she should be on welfare, she should be a Democrat".

You know, who can help speak to union groups and I mean, I'm sorry, religious groups and that working class voter better, Joe Biden or Sarah Palin? And I think Sarah Palin can do that and I think Democrats now, what's intersting is Democrats are starting to invoke religion and Christianity to their vernacular. I mean Nancy Pelosi's always done that. She sort of weaves in Bible verses even though she's gotten some of them wrong, she's mixed some up.

She was talking about immigration and if you believe in Christ you should believe in immigration you know, and health care, it's our duty to take care of thy neighbor. Really? I never saw Pontius Pilate standing out of, or Jesus standing out of Pontias Pilate's with a sign that said "health care now".

So you see that. It's a political move and I wrote about this actually in the New York Daily News who I write for last week, or two weeks ago, Nancy Pelosi and Democrats, encouraging them to talk about religion. They always do this when they're in trouble, yes, people plead to god when they're in trouble, Democrats do it when they're in political trouble. And you saw Howard Dean do it too, talk about your faith, talk about your values. Well you know it's pretty transparent I think to true believers when you fake it.

So I think it will be interesting this election cycle to see how much they invoke Christ and invoke religion even though they desperately call for a separation of church and state. When it suits their benefit they'll go out and they'll ask pastors to preach the gospel of our health care reform bill. Well that's not what the pulpit was designed for whether you're a Repubican or a Democrat. So I think you're going to see a lot of holy candidates this fall but maybe for, and probably for the wrong reasons.

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