Thom Hartmann Knocks Brad Blakeman For His 'Full-Throated' Call For Big Government

This interview is an example of why I hate seeing liberals go on Fox even if Thom Hartmann did get to make a few good points during the segment. The i

Kevin Kostner's oil-extracting machine, Mike Papantonio and the Shell Oil exec suggesting bringing tankers in to clean out the oil that's already in the ocean. I also posted on Think Progress' suggestion that we get other experts in there besides BP to help take control of this mess since BP is obviously too invested in worrying about their own liability right now to be trusted.

There's been plenty of criticism as to whether any of those ideas will work or not to clean up the mess and I don't mind that one bit. We're all looking at this from the outside and just trying to make sense of what's going on.

Sadly if liberals had their way, we would not even need to be discussing those options right now. The industries would be regulated in the manner Thom suggested and that the oil industry flack Rayola Dougher scoffed at and called impossible while crying about more regulations when asked about drilling relief wells at the same time as the main wells. Heaven forbid other countries are doing this but we can't. Instead we're left watching this oil pour into the Gulf and sitting there helpless for months while they drill relief wells that they could have had in place already but the industry didn't want to spend the money to do that.

Until the Brad Blakeman's of the world and his cohorts explain to us how government acting after the fact and not before an emergency is the way to go and exactly what they would be doing now to fix this, they have no credibility to complain about government not doing their part now.

They don't want government to work to prove that private industry should rule the world unfettered and safety, worker's rights, regulations and concern for anything besides profit be damned. Well, you got your wish Brad. Here's your free market in all its glory, except it's not free is it? Now you're calling the President of the United States incompetent because he can't fix your free market disaster after it blows up in your face. Quit telling us we don't need any stoplights and then bitching about the car accidents after they happen and someone was stupid enough to listen to you. It's extremely tiresome.

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