Thom Hartmann On Ron Wyden Playing The 'Useful Idiot' For Teaming Up With Paul Ryan On Medicare Privatization

Tom Hartmann blasts Sen. Ron Wyden for teaming up with Paul Ryan to partially privatize Medicare and for allowing Fox to use him to claim that Democrats are for privatizing Medicare. As Hartmann pointed out here, he knew as soon as he heard

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Tom Hartmann blasts Sen. Ron Wyden for teaming up with Paul Ryan to partially privatize Medicare and for allowing Fox to use him to claim that Democrats are for privatizing Medicare. As Hartmann pointed out here, he knew as soon as he heard about the Wyden-Ryan proposal that segments like the one he had with Fox Business Channel's David Asman were coming.

Mediaite's Tommy Christopher posted Hartmann's entire interview with Asman over the holiday weekend which you can watch here -- Thom Hartmann Calls Sen. Ron Wyden ‘Useful Idiot’ For Promoting Ryan-Wyden Medicare Plan.

As Hartmann pointed out, Wyden's been a mixed bag and has actually been good on a lot of issues, but he's dead wrong on this one.

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