Tim Pawlenty's 'Truthful' 2012 Campaign Rollout Jam Packed With Lies

Ed Schultz talked to former Republican Governor of Minnesota Arne Carlson about the record Tim Pawlenty actually had as the state's governor compared to the rhetoric we're hearing from him on the campaign trail now.

The Presidency: A Bit Short is Pawlenty:

One thing is certain about Monday’s Presidential announcement by former Governor Tim Pawlenty: he will not bring up the fact that he presided over one of the larger tax increases in Minnesota’s history. Yes, that is quite correct.

During his two terms as Governor, property taxes rose a stunning $2.5 billion – more than the previous 16 years combined (see note below).

To further amplify this enormous growth consider this fact: in the 8 years prior to Governor Pawlenty, property taxes rose some $716 million. Compare this to the $2.5 billion increase during the Pawlenty years. That is an approximate 250 percent increase.

But this data also illustrates the close relationship between state and local spending in Minnesota. All too often, state budget cuts simply translate into increased local costs. This is particularly true when considering school financing and local government aids. [...]

Further evidence of this can be seen in the fact that from 2003 to today, Minnesota has been rolling from deficit to deficit and in spite of warnings from Moody’s concerning the folly of short-term fixes, Governor Pawlenty continued to achieve budget balance by employing the following:

➢ Borrowing over $1 billion from the tobacco settlement – money designated for health care.
➢ Taking over $2 billion from the federal stimulus funds.
➢ Borrowing over $1.4 billion from K-12 education funding.
➢ Borrowing over $400 million from the Healthcare Access Fund for low-income families.
➢ Accelerating tax payments.
➢ Delaying bill payments.
➢ Engaging in accounting shifts.

In the process, Moody’s lowered Minnesota’s bond rating.

Go read the rest and Think Progress' The Wonk Room has much more on Pawlenty here -- FACT CHECK: Pawlenty’s ‘Truth’ Campaign Is Already Littered With Lies:

This morning, former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty (R) formally announced his candidacy for the 2012 GOP presidential nomination in Des Moines, Iowa, promising Americans “a different approach” to his campaign and potential presidency. “I am going to tell you the truth. The truth is, Washington’s broken,” Pawlenty declared. “It’s time for new leadership. It’s time for a new approach. And, it’s time for America’s president – and anyone who wants to be president – to look you in the eye and tell you the truth.”

From there, Pawlenty preceded to list various “truths” about the state of the nation, many of which appear — on closer examination — to be either completely untrue or grossly exaggerated:

They've got a long post there I don't want to just copy and paste, so go read the rest as well.

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