Todd Asks Why Obama Didn't Propose Adopting Some Of McCain's "Comprehensive" Presidential Health Care Plan

Wanker Chuck Todd thinks that if President Obama had just said he wanted to adopt some of SoreLosermanMcGrumpy's "comprehensive" health care plan from

McCain's Health Care Plan: Gut Employer-Based Insurance

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Update: Transcript below the fold and yes, Chuck Todd did actually say that the Republicans were more prepared than the Democrats for this summit.

TODD: Yes, I don`t -- I don`t think that was sort of a -- but the other thing that was, I think, striking about this exchange and the fact that it was really the only one -- there was one other exchange --


TODD: -- between the two, is that John McCain had a pretty comprehensive health care plan when he was running for president that was probably closer to where this -- where Obama is.

MATTHEWS: Patients Bill of Rights.

TODD: Yes. There`s a lot of stuff -- and Obama never brought it up. You would assume with John McCain sitting there --


TODD: -- that they would have, knowing he was coming -- you know, what this goes to, the whole thing, Republicans were 10 -- seem 10 times more prepared for this summit than the Democrats were.

I was surprised the White House never brought up John McCain`s health care proposal and said, you know, hey, Senator McCain had this -- this was his health care proposal. And, in fact, we`ve taken X, Y, and Z from it.


TODD: It would have been a more obvious way to say to the public you were trying to make this case, that I`m taking Republican ideas.

MATTHEWS: Was there any -- I got the buzz somewhere that the Democrats were told to let the president be the hot hand today.

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