Update: Transcript below the fold and yes, Chuck Todd did actually say that the Republicans were more prepared than the Democrats for this summit.
TODD: Yes, I don`t -- I don`t think that was sort of a -- but the other thing that was, I think, striking about this exchange and the fact that it was really the only one -- there was one other exchange --
TODD: -- between the two, is that John McCain had a pretty comprehensive health care plan when he was running for president that was probably closer to where this -- where Obama is.
MATTHEWS: Patients Bill of Rights.
TODD: Yes. There`s a lot of stuff -- and Obama never brought it up. You would assume with John McCain sitting there --
TODD: -- that they would have, knowing he was coming -- you know, what this goes to, the whole thing, Republicans were 10 -- seem 10 times more prepared for this summit than the Democrats were.
I was surprised the White House never brought up John McCain`s health care proposal and said, you know, hey, Senator McCain had this -- this was his health care proposal. And, in fact, we`ve taken X, Y, and Z from it.
TODD: It would have been a more obvious way to say to the public you were trying to make this case, that I`m taking Republican ideas.
MATTHEWS: Was there any -- I got the buzz somewhere that the Democrats were told to let the president be the hot hand today.