Trump Being Sued By NY For $40 Million Over Scam University
Why am I not surprised that birther king, and fellow GOP scam artist who pretended he wanted to be president right along side Newt Gingrich, Donald Trump, has found himself on the receiving end of a lawsuit for ripping off anyone gullible enough to enroll in something called "Trump University."
As New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman explained on Al Sharpton's show this Monday, Trump's University was nothing but a "scam from top to bottom":
New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman had tough words for Donald Trump Monday after Trump personally attacked Schneiderman for launching a $40 million lawsuit against the famous businessman and the for-profit known as “Trump University” that he backed.
Schneiderman detailed the grounds for his lawsuit on Monday’s PoliticsNation, including accusations that Trump defrauded thousands of students who enrolled with “Trump University.”
“We came across Trump University and realized that it was a scam from top to bottom, starting with the fact that it wasn’t a University–never registered with the NY State Department of [Education],” he said. “Then as we dug into it further we discovered that all of the promotional materials were false.”
Schneiderman says Trump was the “chief pitchman” behind the school, but not involved with the instructor selection or other details he claimed to manage, according to the marketing materials used by the school.
“One of the most despicable things about this, is that their teachers were directed to tell students that ‘If you want to make it in real estate, you gotta to have more credit, so call all your credit card companies, and get bigger lines of credit,’ and then they got them to use that extra credit to buy these, what they called ‘elite programs,’ that were 10-, 25-, or even 35-thousand dollars,” he explained. “All the money went to Trump U, these people came away with nothing useful.”
Trump has denied the allegations, and his attorney Michael D. Cohen told the Associated Press the lawsuit was full of falsehoods.
“The attorney general has been angry because he felt that Mr. Trump and his various companies should have done much more for him in terms of fundraising,” Cohen said, according to the AP. “This entire investigation is politically motivated and it is a tremendous waste of taxpayers’ money.”
“Donald Trump will not sit back and be extorted by anyone, including the attorney general,” he added.
Trump slammed Schneiderman earlier on Monday, calling him a “political hack” on Morning Joe, and even suggesting that President Obama might be behind the lawsuit, via twitter on Sunday.
Yeah, that's the ticket. It's all Obama's fault. It's hard to feel sorry for anyone who trusted this clown in the first place, but I won't be shedding any tears for Trump if he winds up on the losing end of this suit. I expect the screeching to get even louder from Trump before this is all over.