time and
time again here are the
astroturf, industry
funded groups paying to promote these rallies and
Fox News for helping them along. They don't need a single leader, but Sarah Palin's not it. She's just another useful tool willing to cash in with the sore losermans who are still pissed off because she and McCain lost the election.
Carlson, par for the course, decided to use Michele Bachmann, another woman he's apparently "impressed with," to take a shot at liberals. Of course the only reason someone would have a problem with her is because she's "effective". Uh...no, Tucker -- the reason people have a problem with her is because, like Palin, she's a bomb-throwing, lying, race-baiting, McCarthy wannabe who's using the same dog-whistle language as Palin to incite the less sane among the masses with absolutely no regard for any of the consequences of her actions and her words.
It is pathetic that the two "rodeo queens" seem to have this kind of effect on Republican men, isn't it? I'm guessing we can put Tucker in the Rich Lowry Sarah Palin "starbursts" club.
Of course, any time Tucker Carlson opens his mouth and says something ridiculous, I always enjoy having another reason to post this video again. Jon Stewart lets Tucker Carlson know how I feel about him. Tucker Carlson... you're hurting America.