Van Susteren And Loesch Refuse To Let A Few Facts Get In The Way While Promoting 'Tea Party' Anti-IRS Rally

Fox's Greta Van Susteren and Dana Loesch continue to pretent Issa's scandalmongering over the IRS hasn't already blown up in his face.

her cohorts, Griff Jenkins, who, to no one's surprise who has paid an ounce of attention to the type of coverage Fox has given these groups, was promoting their latest rally calling for the IRS to be abolished.

As Jason Easley at PoliticusUSA reported on the other day, that rally didn't exactly live up to the hype it was given by the right wing and as you can see from some of the pictures included in his post, the crowd size was a lot smaller than the clip above from Fox would like for their viewers to believe: DC Tea Party Rally Bombs as Crowd For ‘Epic’ IRS Protest Rally Is Just 5,000-10,000.

Van Susteren brought in St. Louis radio host and national embarrassment Dana Loesch for some follow up on the rally and par for the course, the two of them completely ignored the fact that Rep. Elijah Cummings has already thrown cold water all over Issa's scandal mongering on the IRS and that there was no political agenda in the targeting of these "tea party" groups.

They also ignored the fact none of these groups who are involved in politicking and are not exclusively engaged in social welfare should be allowed the tax exempt status in the first place, because heaven forbid that might get in the way of treating these groups who don't want to pay their taxes like the rest of us as though they're some sort of poor, downtrodden victim here, who has somehow had their "free speech" oppressed.

And one final note on that rally as well. If Ted Cruz and Rand Paul and Michele Bachmann and Louie Gohmert and their cohorts in Congress would like to see the IRS abolished, who in the hell do they think is going to pay their salaries?

I'm sick and tired of these so-called, pretend, anti-government zealots screaming to the hills about the evils of "big government" while doing their best to make sure government doesn't work to do anything other than line the pockets of their campaign contributors, or themselves for that matter. If you don't think government should work to benefit the lives of the actual voters who you are supposed to be representing, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Sadly for the rest of us, that door is far too often a revolving one with some corporate or wingnut welfare waiting for all of them on the other side.

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