War Monger Lindsey Graham Attacks Obama For Instability In Middle East

In the words of Bill Clinton... "it takes some brass." In what world should the war mongers of the world like Lindsey Graham, who has never met a conflict he didn't want the United States go get involved in, have an ounce of legitimacy when it comes

Sen. Graham: Obama ‘Misleading’ On Libya, Region ‘About To Explode’:

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) alleged that the Obama administration has been "misleading" the American people on what occurred during the attacks in Libya last month during an appearance on CBS's "Face the Nation" Sunday. Graham said this is because the attacks in Libya contradicted the administration's "false narrative" that al Qaeda is on the wane in the Middle East.

"They're trying to sell a narrative, quite frankly, that the Mideast, the wars are receding and al Qaeda's been dismantled. And to admit that our embassy was attacked by al Qaeda operatives and Libya, leading from behind, didn't work, I think undercuts that narrative."

Graham went on to say that the administration was misleading because they thought they could get away with it: "They never believed the media would investigate. Congress was out of session. And this caught up with them. I think they have been misleading us but it finally caught up with them."

Graham painted a grim picture of stability and al Qaeda movements in the region: "The Mideast is falling apart and they're trying to spin what happened in Libya cause the truth of the matter is al Qaeda is alive and well and counter-attacking…this whole region is about to explode…"

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