Worst Person Limbaugh: 'If Obama Weren't Black He'd Be A Tour Guide In Honolulu'

Bigot Rush Limbaugh took Keith's top honors on the Worst Persons list for this bit of blatant racism. Limbaugh: "If Obama Weren't Black He'd Be a T

Limbaugh: "If Obama Weren't Black He'd Be a Tour Guide in Honolulu":

Rush Limbaugh joined other right-wing media figures in freaking out over a remark by NASA Administrator Charles Bolden during a recent interview with Al Jazeera. In discussing Obama's efforts to improve Muslim outreach, Bolden said that Obama "wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science ... and math and engineering." Rush used this noncontroversial comment to attack the Obama administration while simultaneously stating that "most of these claims about Muslim contributions to science and math are myths."

Rush then took some time to race-bait Obama supporters and the liberal media. He said that Obama "wouldn't have been voted president if he weren't black," adding, "If Obama weren't black he'd be a tour guide in Honolulu." Rush also accused the liberal media of wanting the GOP to fire Michael Steele "so they can ... write about the Republicans firing a black guy." Read on...

UPDATE: And there's this from Digby on Limbaugh:

I'm awfully glad that racism is no longer mainstream on the right anymore or this man might have the most popular radio show in the country with 25 million listeners a week. Or this absurdity of a scandal trumped up by a GOP hitman might be breathlessly discussed by Republican operatives as the "sleeper issue for the 2010 midterms."

Thank goodness we don't have to worry about that anymore.

Yeah, thank goodness. Heaven forbid people might think Republicans were still following Lee Atwater's playbook in this day and age or that we might still have some problems with our DOJ continuing to be politicized from Bush holdovers that haven't been fired yet.

Runners up were Glenn Beck for going after Will Bunch for making money off of his Beck University that Susie told us about on Friday. And next on Keith's list was wingnut Rep. Steve King for lying and claiming that Obama refused to wave the Jones Act which Think Progress took apart in this post Promising ‘Well-Informed Truth,’ Steve King Says Obama Not Helping LA On Oil Spill Because Jindal Is A Republican.

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