Progressive Kick: Win Big By Thinking Small

I hope by now all C&L readers are aware that we participate in the Blue America PAC to help encourage a more progressive -- and more fearlessly progressive -- Congress. Most of our candidates are running for the House (although we have a

I hope by now all C&L readers are aware that we participate in the Blue America PAC to help encourage a more progressive -- and more fearlessly progressive -- Congress. Most of our candidates are running for the House (although we have a separate page for Senate challengers as well). What we don't do -- or at least haven't so far -- is endorse people running for President. I don't think we've endorsed any gubernatorial candidates either and we haven't been endorsing legislative candidates. That isn't because we don't think that's important work. In fact, it's crucially important work. And I'm excited to tell you about an organization that is doing just that, Progressive Kick-- and remember, whatever you donate will be doubled by the matching fund.

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