C&L's Late Night Music Club With T. Rex

I could go on for days about how much I love T. Rex, especially 1972's <em>The Slider</em>.

C&L's Late Night Music Club With T. Rex

I could go on for days about how much I love T. Rex, especially 1972's The Slider. Mark Bolan's songs are nearly perfect, and producer Tony Visconti derserves bucketloads of credit for shaping and defining the sound of the 'Glam' era. I once read an interview whith the legendary producer where he attributed the greatness of his recordings to technological limitations in the studio. Without the ability to edit and overdub limitlessly, everything that went to tape had to mean something and it was harder to ruin something by overthinking. Either way, he got results. What are your favorites from the Glam old days?

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