And The Winner Gets The Pile Of Ashes Formerly Known As The GOP
Get out the popcorn, kids!
Glenn Beck has declared war against Grover Norquist.That kinda reads like poetry meant to gladden the heart of mankind.Norquist, a free market Republican who wants to shrink government down to a size where it can be drowned in a bathtub, declared that Ted Cruz is a nincompoop and that’s when the fun started.
So, Beck, who is a we-want-government-so-big-that-it’s-in-your-uterus Republican did not react well to his bro being dissed. So Beck went full-nazi on Norquist.
“[Norquist] is the guy responsible for a lot of the Muslim Brotherhood stuff that goes on in the White House, isn’t he?” Beck asked the two.
“Glenn, I think most people who know Grover only as a prominent anti-tax guy in the conservative movement would find that statement unbelievable, and to be honest with you I would’ve, but for the fact that I saw it first-hand as a result of sharing office space for what I think of seven biblically long years with Grover Norquist,” Gaffney remarked. “I saw terrorists in his office space. I had colleagues come to me and say, ‘You know there’s a Muslim Brotherhood front operating out of his office suite?’”
Oh Sweet Jesus, Norquist is a Muslim Brotherhood member … just. like. you. know. who.It all makes sense now. Norquist wants to drown government in the bathtub so he can bring sharia law to America. I dunno know about you, but I’m telling every Republican I know about that.
And Beck ends with this happy tune –
“If you’re for the Constitution, I don’t care if you’re a liberal or a Democrat or a Republican and a conservative, I don’t really care, if you’re for the Constitution of the United States of America,” Beck said. “That’s our dividing line, and there are too many in the Republican Party, so let’s clean out our own house first.”
If you boys need any Gatorade or sling shots or background music or anything at all, please feel free to contract us here in the appreciative audience.