Just Because His Breath Smells Like Bananas Doesn’t Mean He’s Tarzan
Rick, sometimes you surprise us!
Rick Perry, the man who hates Obamacare even worse than book reading, is now encouraging Texans to sign up for some of that there Obamacare.
After years of trying to undermine the Affordable Care Act, Texas lawmakers are suddenly embracing President Obama’s signature domestic policy accomplishment. On Thursday, the Texas Tribune reportedthat the state is shuttering a state-based health care program and encouraging Texans to sign-up for coverage in the federally-run health care exchange.
Okay, so the damn federal government of the United States of America, which Perry thinks is communist and fascist and socialist and some other words he’s heard on the radio, is now suddenly and very quietly good enough for Texans?
Rick, dude, are you running for President on that? Plus, what are you going to do when Sarah Palin finds out and tells Ted Cruz?I guess those new glasses aren’t helping the IQ points, huh?