Just What Texas Needed: More Really Bad Doctors

See how well that tort reform thing worked?

Rick Perry was down in the Rio Grande Valley yesterday touting his sell-out to really bad doctors and really greedy insurance companies. He calls it tort reform, but what is really is should be called “If a drunk doctor amputates the wrong foot, you’re just totally screwed. Hell, we’ll probably make you pay him money and double your insurance rates because now you still have that other foot that needs amputating.”

Ten years ago, we were promised lower insurance rates and better medical care with hot and cold running doctors if we just pass tort reform. So we did.

Ten years later and what do we have? Texas REALLY sucks at health care.

A new federal government report card on health care quality rates Texas as “weak” overall and gives it the lowest score in the nation.

The lowest score in the nation. Ho boy, but we have some happy doctors and insurance companies with no incentive to provide good health care.

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