Mark Sanford Is A Cuckoo Bird, Part 17

If you were Mark Sanford, would you want to hack off even more people?

why he violated a court order. In that ad, he published his cell phone number for people to call him to ask him questions.

Not surprisingly, people called him.

So, Sanford, who is unraveling like fresh cut satin, decides to publish all the phone numbers of the people who called him. He was attempting to shame them.

Now here’s where it gets tricky. Mark Sanford has no shame so trying to give some away isn’t working too well. It appears that his brains are leaking out. And a passel of shame has unloaded on him faster than six legged jackrabbit.

I’m gonna be kinda sad when this guy goes away. On the other hand, I thought he’d go away after he got caught the first time, so we may be in for more Sanford hanky panky.

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