Ted's Excellent Accounting Adventure
Ted Cruz is not keeping track of his contributions.
I am just certain there’s something that Ted Cruz is good at besides being the zombie whisperer. However, we can add another entry to the things he cannot do: accounting.

The FEC sent Ted a letter (PDF format) saying that it’s real nice he refunded Elizabeth Wiskmann’s contribution after a complaint was filed that she over-donated to Republican causes and ran afoul of FEC regulations.
There’s only one problem. He never reported that she donated to him in the first place.
In order to refund a donation, you would necessarily have to show that one was received, ya know. Or, as Rick Perry would say, “Oops.”
So, we are left to wonder who else gave Ted money duly reported on the other set of books but not on the reports to the FEC?
Hmmm ….