Today's 50-State Blog Roundup

The 50-state blog roundup has existed over the years in various forms. The idea is to take a look at state and local blogs in order to see what important things are going on in state politics and campaigns, to get a preview of what's coming to the

The 50-state blog roundup has existed over the years in various forms. The idea is to take a look at state and local blogs in order to see what important things are going on in state politics and campaigns, to get a preview of what's coming to the national stage and to recognize the work of great state and local bloggers.

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  • Alabama: Left in Alabama: State Democratic Party Chair Mark Kennedy is apparently a man of honor.
  • Alaska: Mudflats: "One Anchorage" is fighting to protect the rights of the LGBT community.
  • Arizona: Blog for Arizona: The Pima County Republicans' recent Glock raffle is part of a long pattern of gun fetishism.
  • Arkansas: Blue Arkansas: Republican State Senator Bruce Holland was convicted of numerous crimes associated with endangering the lives of others while running from the police.
  • California: Calitics: The American Chemistry Council is spending big bucks to buy the right to keep using toxic chemicals.
  • Colorado: Square State: Denver Public Schools are doing a good job teaching students who are learning English for the first time, will they be allowed to continue doing so?
  • Connecticut: My Left Nutmeg: Linda McMahon is running again.
  • Delaware: Delaware Liberal: Conservatived are launching "State Legislators for Legal Immigration."
  • Florida: The Progressive Professor: Pondering what things would be like if September 11th hadn't happened.
  • Georgia: Blog for Democracy: Troy Davis is set to be executed in 10 days for a crime he may not have committed.
  • Hawaii: Haven't found any progressive blogs for this state yet.
  • Idaho: No recent posts
  • Illinois: Progress Illinois: Rep. Adam Kinzinger rubs elbows with rich business interests while ignoring his constituents.
  • Indiana: No recent posts.
  • Iowa: Bleeding Heartland: Is Christie Vilsack's congressional run causing her husband, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, ethical problems?
  • Kansas: The Kansas Free Press: Is the state going to spend millions of dollars promoting "faith-based marriage."
  • Kentucky: Page One: Teabaggers in Kentucky are pushing a fiscally irresponsible candidate for auditor.
  • Louisiana: Daily Kingfish: Democratic politics in the state suffered a major loss this week as labor leader Vic Bussie passed away.
  • Maine: Dirigo Blue: Maine Republicans are trying to disenfranchise students.
  • Maryland: Maryland Juice: Maryland Republicans can't handle money very well.
  • Massachusetts: Blue Mass Group: Conservative activists in Massachusetts are engaging in illegal fundraising, it seems.
  • Michigan: Michigan Liberal: Republican Paul Scott is facing a recall.
  • Minnesota: MN Progressive Project: Rep. Chip Cravaack continues to show his hypocrisy knows no bounds.
  • Mississippi: A Liberal In the Midst: There are serious questions about how progressive the Democratic gubernatorial nominee is.
  • Missouri: Fired Up Missouri: Rep. Todd Akin says the EPA, Education and Energy Departments are unconstitutional.
  • Montana: Montana Cowgirl: Republicans are wasting taxpayer money on bogus voter fraud charges.
  • Nebraska: New Nebraska Network: Sen. Mike Johanns really is on point with the nonsensical right-wing talking points about government regulation.
  • Nevada: Las Vegas Gleaner: Exploring the connection between creationism and those who deny global warming.
  • New Hampshire: Blue Hampshire: New Hampshire has also lost a progressive icon, Bernard Boutin.
  • New Jersey: Blue Jersey: Chris Christie, Speaker Sheila Oliver and a whole lot of shenanigans in New Jersey politics.
  • New Mexico: Clearly New Mexico: State residents are certainly not happy with Gov. Susana Martinez and her right-wing agenda -- they're taking to the streets in protest.
  • New York: The Albany Project: Words about 9/11 from those who were there.
  • North Carolina: Blue NC: State senate leaders are trying to hide the fact that they are debating a marriage amendment.
  • North Dakota: North Decoder: Senate Majority Leader Ryan Taylor may be running for governor, which could be a good thing.
  • Ohio: Plunderbund: Gov. John Kasich fearmongers on the issue of overturning his bill to destroy collective bargaining.
  • Oklahoma: Blue Oklahoma: Hw the state would benefit from the American Jobs Act.
  • Oregon: Blue Oregon: Meet Congressional Candidate, apparently a good liberal, Brad Avakian.
  • Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Progressive: The state of working Pennsylvania.
  • Rhode Island: RI Future: It appears that state Republican have ousted "racist homophobe" Daniel Gordon.
  • South Carolina: SC Prog Blog: Carolina Democrats are fighting voter disenfranchisement.
  • South Dakota: Madville Times: Apparently the rent is too damn high for Dakota Republicans.
  • Tennessee: KnoxViews: Can you help a progressive blogger in Tennessee who lost everything in a fire that destroyed home and business.
  • Texas: Off the Kuff: Texas is getting gayer.
  • Utah: The Side Track: Lamenting the growth of anti-intellectual opposition to expertise.
  • Vermont: Green Mountain Daily: Lots of questions in Vermont about how to deal with the aftermath of Tropical Storm Irene.
  • Virginia: Not Larry Sabato: Republicans have candidates in 100% of the white-majority districts in the state senate.
  • Washington: Horse's Ass: State Republicans are in midlife crisis mode.
  • West Virginia: West Virginia Blue: Democrats are looking good in the governor's race.
  • Wisconsin: Blue Cheddar: People who paid to attend a Paul Ryan luncheon were arrested for asking questions.
  • Wyoming: Haven't found any progressive blogs for this state yet.

    The list used to create the post can be found here. If you know of a progressive state or local blog that isn't on the list, e-mail me at and I'll add it.

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