Army Of Grannies Shame Rep. Chip Cravaack (R-MN) Into Finally Holding Town Hall In Duluth

Rep. Chip Cravaack of Minnesota, a tea party favorite, has steadfastly refused to hold a town hall meeting in Duluth, the largest city in his district, until a group of activist grandmothers shamed him into it as he appeared at a meeting for the

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Rep. Chip Cravaack of Minnesota, a tea party favorite, has steadfastly refused to hold a town hall meeting in Duluth, the largest city in his district, until a group of activist grandmothers shamed him into it as he appeared at a meeting for the National Federation of Independent Businesses on Tuesday. Cravaack had numerous meetings with special interest groups, but has yet to answer to the biggest voting block in his district.

If Cravaack actually shows up (since his staff doesn't know anything about a town hall scheduled for Wednesday), here are some questions attendees at the town hall might ask him:

-Will he actually be ready to answer constituent questions?

-Why did Cravaack vote to shut down the Federal Aviation Administration?

-Did he know that the FAA shutdown was solely about assaulting unions and how does he justify such a thing?

-Why did Cravaack move his family out of the district and how will he stay connected to Minnesotans with so little time in the district.

-Why did he vote against every single crucial vote for Minnesota's working families?

-How does cutting taxes for Big Oil and billionaires create jobs?

-Why hasn't Cravaack done anything to create jobs.

-If he believes in limiting government spending, why is he charging taxpayer $1,000 per month for his car rental?

Those interested in attending the Town Hall, which will be held Wednesday at 3:00 p.m. local time at the Duluth International Airport, can RSVP here.

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