CWA Launches 'Union Busting Playbook' Website

With the increase of union-busting tactics across the country since the 2010 midterm elections, Communications Workers of America are fighting back with a new website, 'Union Busting Playbook,' which catalogs and explains the tactics used to

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With the increase of union-busting tactics across the country since the 2010 midterm elections, Communications Workers of America are fighting back with a new website, 'Union Busting Playbook,' which catalogs and explains the tactics used to take away the rights of working families. The site has a great layout and is easy to use.

When employees try to organize a union for a better and more secure job, employers often fight back strong – in the form of union-busting.

Union-busting is any action by management to prevent employees from exercising their right to organize. Union busting attorneys train supervisors on what to say to persuade workers to vote down a union. The “script” doesn’t change much. Whether you are a bus driver, a nurse, a tech, or a call center worker, employers will hire union busters who will train supervisors in this anti-union script, or “playbook.”

In this Union-Busting Playbook, you can find out about common union-busting strategies and even read and hear examples from workers who have been through tough campaigns.

A highlight of the site is the "Eight Things Employers Do To Block Unions" section, which lists the following actions that union busters frequently take (and explains why they are wrong):

  • Hire a union-busting consultant
  • Tell you to wait and see
  • Get a few employees to campaign against the union
  • Send letters to you and your family
  • Hold meetings to sweet-talk — or browbeat — you
  • Deny your rights through delays and law-breaking
  • Spring a last-minute surprise on you
  • Pressure supervisors to pressure you

    Among the many other features of the site are a "Common Bluffs" section explaining why some of the scare tactics used by employers are false, a "Fitness Test" quiz about union busting tactics, case studies, a glossary, social media links and a place where workers can share their own stories about union busting employers.

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