Does Romney Still Find It 'Hard To Disagree' With Limbaugh?
After facing criticism from Rush Limbaugh for his endorsement of John McCain over J.D. Hayworth in the 2010 Arizona Republican primary for U.S. Senate, Mitt Romney said he found it hard to disagree with Limbaugh on 'topics.' After Limbaugh's
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After facing criticism from Rush Limbaugh for his endorsement of John McCain over J.D. Hayworth in the 2010 Arizona Republican primary for U.S. Senate, Mitt Romney said he found it hard to disagree with Limbaugh on 'topics.' After Limbaugh's recent comments calling Susan Fluke a "slut" and "prostitute," one has to wonder if Romney still finds it hard to disagree with Limbaugh. Romney's response to date was to say that those weren't the words he would've used, but does he agree with the sentiment of the words? And does he still find it hard to disagree with Limbaugh?
From a 2010 Newsmax interview:
NEWSMAX: Rush Limbaugh says you made a grave, grave error in endorsing John McCain over JD Hayworth in the Arizona Republican primary. "The era of McCain is over," says Limbaugh. What say you?
ROMNEY: Well, you know, I find it hard to disagree with Rush Limbaugh on topics, but on this one I do. I know Senator McCain. I think his experience in the military, in the Senate, and the wisdom and judgment which he has developed over a lifetime is something which we need in the Senate. I think it serves our country well.