Labor News And Notes Round-up

The latest stories from the front lines of the labor fight across the country... California's car wash industry is rife with worker abuse. Actions you can take for Labor Day: Labor Unions Made My Day (from AFSCME) lets people tell why they

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The latest stories from the front lines of the labor fight across the country...

  • California's car wash industry is rife with worker abuse.
  • Actions you can take for Labor Day: Labor Unions Made My Day (from AFSCME) lets people tell why they are thankful for the things that unions have done, let the National Labor Relations Board know that you want them to protect the rights of workers to form unions, tell everyone which workers you "heart" this Labor Day, find a Labor Day event in your area or support Shame on NV Energy on Facebook.
  • The Congress Plaza Hotel strike in Chicago has reached 3000 days.
  • A recent Gallup poll shows that conservative messaging on unions currently trumps the truth about unions in public opinion.
  • Tom Dalzell of IBEW Local 1245 makes the case for how important online organizing is for labor unions.
  • Pittsburgh unions excluded anti-union politicians from their Labor Day march for jobs.
  • Gov. Susana Martinez is the next right-wing governor to watch in the Scott Walker, John Kasich, Rick Scott anti-union mold.
  • The American Federation of Teachers is echoing the call for jobs this Labor Day.
  • National Nurses United continues its push to make Wall Street pay for the financial crisis it caused.
  • A closer look at how Wal-Mart crushes even low-level employee organizing.
  • AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka says the "Georgia Works" style of program is a bad idea. It has the government pay unemployed workers a small stipend to do free labor for corporations.
  • Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC) wants to get rid of the National Labor Relations Board, w hich she says is un-American.
  • Bargaining has resumed again in the dispute between Verizon and 45,000 workers represented by the CWA and IBEW.
  • More C&L
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