More Than 40 Progressive Groups Launch 99 Percent Spring To Train Activists

More than 40 progressive organizations are teaming up to train 100,000 activists in non-violent tactics during the week of April 9-15. The '99 Percent Spring' is designed to teach people across the country how to tell the story of the economy,

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More than 40 progressive organizations are teaming up to train 100,000 activists in non-violent tactics during the week of April 9-15. The '99 Percent Spring' is designed to teach people across the country how to tell the story of the economy, help them learn about the history of non-violent action and get people involved in actions that can achieve specific goals.

Our country is at a crossroads. We have a choice to make. Greater wealth for a few or opportunity for many. Tax breaks for the richest or a fair shot for the rest of us. A government that can be bought by the highest bidder, or a democracy that is truly of the people, by the people, and for the people.

The choice is in our hands. This spring we will act on that choice.

In the tradition of our forefathers and foremothers and inspired by today’s brave heroes in Occupy Wall Street and Madison, Wisconsin, we will prepare ourselves for sustained non-violent direct action.


This spring we rise! We will reshape our country with our own hands and feet, bodies and hearts. We will take non-violent action in the spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Gandhi to forge a new destiny one block, one neighborhood, one city, one state at a time.

The trainings have an associated web site that is loaded with tools and information. It lists the numerous organizations that are participating and allows new groups to sign up. It lets you find local actions and trainings or plan your own. It has toolkits on how to learn more and talk better about "Banks and the Economy," "Corporate Tax Dodging," and "Money in Politics." It has a work titled "The Power of Nonviolent Direct Action" by Daniel Hunter and press releases, videos and more. The 99 Percent Spring is also active on Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr.

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