Wisconsin Recall Results And Open Thread

Both Democrats hold double digit leads going into tonight's recall elections and are likely to hold their seats in the Wisconsin State Senate. Republicans are seeking to recall the Democrats as a retaliatory strike against the Democratic recall

Both Democrats hold double digit leads going into tonight's recall elections and are likely to hold their seats in the Wisconsin State Senate. Republicans are seeking to recall the Democrats as a retaliatory strike against the Democratic recall efforts against state senators who supported Gov. Scott Walker's assault on the state's working families.

-In Senate District 12, Democrat Jim Holperin is defending his seat against Republican Kim Simac.

-In Senate District 22, incumbent Robert Wirch is being challenged by Republican Jonathan Steitz.

Check back here for results as they come in...

10:51 p.m.: AP calls SD12 for Holperin (D). Democrats win five of nine recall elections in Wisconsin.

10:47 p.m.: With 99 percent reporting, Wirch looks to end up with 57 percent of the vote. With 71 percent in, Holperin's lead has fallen to 53-47 percent.

10:30 p.m.: AP calls SD22 for Wirch (D).

10:28 p.m.: With 70 percent reporting, Wirch maintains his comfortable lead.

10:20 p.m.: That's more like it. With 44 percent reporting, Holperin maintains a 54-46 percent lead, while with 51 percent in, Democrat Bob Wirch has taken a 55-45 percent lead.

10:15 p.m.: Finally some good news out of SD22, where Steitz (R) now leads only 51-49 percent with 26 percent of precincts reporting.

9:59 p.m.: That's a bit better, with 32 percent in, Holperin is back up to 55-45.

9:56 p.m.: Not sure the breakdown of precincts that are in, but the numbers are not encouraging at the moment...

SD12: 22 percent reporting, Holperin's lead is down to 52-48 percent.
SD22: 17 percent reporting, Steitz (R) leads 55-45 percent.

9:41 p.m.: With 10 percent in, Holperin (D) now leads 56-44 percent. At 13 percent reporting, Steitz (R) now leads 56-44 percent.

9:33 p.m.: With seven percent in, Holperin's lead is up to 59-41 percent, Steitz is up to 54 percent.

9:24 p.m.: With four percent reporting in each district:

SD12: Holperin (D) 56-44 percent
SD22: Steitz (R) 53-47 percent

9:18 p.m. (EST): Turnout was high enough, some precincts ran out of ballots.

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