Alan Colmes: FL Doctor Who Refuses To Treat Obama Voters Doesn't Even Know What's In The Bill

Karoli posted a story about a frothing Florida doctor who is telling Obama supporters to seek treatment elsewhere, on Friday. On Saturday, Alan Colm

Karoli posted a story about a frothing Florida doctor who is telling Obama supporters to seek treatment elsewhere, on Friday. On Saturday, Alan Colmes had the displeasure of interviewing said doctor and found out that the man doesn't even know the details of the health care reform bill:

Dr. Jack Cassell, the Orlando urologist who put a sign on his door letting patients know he doesn’t want to have to treat them if they are Obama/health care reform supporters, was on my radio show Friday night, but didn’t seem to know much about the health care bill he’s criticizing.

Cassell: Hospice cuts in 2012…Does the government want people to die slowly?

Colmes: Do you really think the government wants people dead?

Cassell: Well I think that they’re cutting all supportive care, like nursing homes, ambulance services…

Colmes: What to you mean they’re cutting nursing homes?

Cassell: They’re cutting nursing home reimbursements

Colmes: Isn’t what they’re cutting under the Medicare plan what was really double dipping; they were getting credits and they were getting to deduct them at the same time.

Cassell: Well you know, I can’t tell you exactly what the deal is.

Colmes: If you can’t tell us exactly what the deal is, why are you opposing it and fighting against it?

Alan has audio of the interview, you can find it here. Cassell is a typical, under informed nutter who doesn't know any better than to spew this crap without knowing any of the details. Behold your garden variety teabagger. Well done, Mr. Colmes, thank you for exposing this hack for what he is. If this interview is any indication of Cassell's intellect, I fear for his patients.

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