Andrew Breitbart's "Hooker" Raising Money To Fight ACORN Lawsuit

(h/t derekthered) (Original story and full letter can be seen at The Washington Independent) Much has come out about Andrew Breitbart's now-infamo


(h/t derekthered)

(Original story and full letter can be seen at The Washington Independent)

Much has come out about Andrew Breitbart's now-infamous "Hooker & Pimp" charade, and smear campaign against ACORN. Now that ACORN has been cleared and it has been proven that the video was heavily edited and that James O'Keefe was in fact not dressed as a pimp, the community organizing group is firing back and the rats are scattering, begging for help.

Hannah Giles, who posed as a hooker in Breitbart's hit piece, is now appealing to wealthy, Republican donors to help pay her legal fees. Her appeal has come in the form of a letter, (pictured above) which can be described as nothing less than a delusional, right wing rant that is sure to trigger your gag reflex. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Sean Hannity himself wrote it. Notice how she claims credit for the video, referring to it as "my undercover video."

Poor thing, she chose to lie down with dogs and now she's crying about the fleas.

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