Time To Fight Back Against Staged GOP Town Hall Attacks

The GOP is in big trouble and as always, they can't win on their policies so they must resort to deceptive tactics to give the appearance of support f

The GOP is in big trouble and as always, they can't win on their policies so they must resort to deceptive tactics to give the appearance of support from average Americans. The astroturfed town hall attacks are beginning to get out of control and it's time for normal, sane people to push back against this attack on Democracy. Below is a list of scheduled town hall meetings held by Democratic politicians, courtesy of Jane Hamsher at Firedoglake.

There you will find tips on finding, promoting, preparing for and documenting these town hall events. Please find one near you and attend if you can, it's vital that we push back against these staged attacks and return some sanity to the town hall process -- and possibly save health care reform in the process.

If any C&L'ers know of any local or regional events they would like to share, please leave them in the comments section. Also, please read Don Briggs' post at Daily Kos to find best practices that have worked so far in shutting down the teabagging-deather-birther-astroturfer attacks at town hall events.

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