Democrat Nancy Boyda Heads Back To DC - This Time To The Pentagon
While I didn't agree with every vote she cast, Democrat Nancy Boyda learned, worked hard and excelled during her time in Congress. She was always a
While I didn't agree with every vote she cast, Democrat Nancy Boyda learned, worked hard and excelled during her time in Congress. She was always a staunch supporter of the troops serving in Iraq (as evidenced by the video above from 2007)and Afghanistan, and veterans issues in general and that support and hard work earned her a position at the Pentagon:
Former U.S. Rep. Nancy Boyda was sworn in Monday at the Pentagon as a deputy assistant secretary of defense for manpower and personnel issues.
She will focus on serving the interests of reserve and National Guard service members. At this time, 141,000 reserve and guard troops are deployed.
"It is all things personnel - retention, recuitment, issues of retirement, deployment issues, families, health care," she said. "I think it's going to be a fascinating job."
She said immediate goals were to broaden training opportunities for soldiers to reduce time away from home and to reform benefits to match the heavier reliance on reserve and guard forces for overseas deployments. Read on...
While George Bush and his regime used our men and women as cannon fodder, Democrats like President Obama and Nancy Boyda fought for better benefits and services for our veterans. I can only hope they continue to work even harder going forward.