Freepers Frothing Over O'Keefe Arrest: It Was A Setup!
C&L and other progressive blogs have long fought against the likes of Bill O'Reilly and others who cherry pick random, incendiary blog comments and
C&L and other progressive blogs have long fought against the likes of Bill O'Reilly and others who cherry pick random, incendiary blog comments and use them to try to give the impression that we lefties are just a bunch of mean and nasty people.
In the case of the James O'Keefe story, however, the comments over at Free Republic had me laughing out loud and I just thought I'd share them with you. The overwhelming majority of Freepers took O'Keefe's side and the conspiracy theories were aplenty:
To: FromLori
NEVER HAS ANYTHING SMELT MORE LIKE A SET-UP THAN THIS... the left wants this guys head on a platter, and we’er just going to sit around muttering inanities about how dumb this guy must be. I don’t underestimate anybody’s ability to be stupid, but this doesn’t pass the smell test, not right now it doesn’t.
40 posted on Tuesday, January 26, 2010 9:20:57 PM by dps.inspect
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To: Will88
Can you say political prosecution? James O’Keefe is getting a little “payback” from the Justice Dept. minions of the Kenyan Usurper.
8 posted on Tuesday, January 26, 2010 8:49:24 PM by USALiberty
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There's much more where those came from so if you're in need of some laughter, you can hop over to Free Republic by, clicking here.