Hot Air: GMAC Can't Boycott Glenn Beck -- They Got Bailout Money!
From the aptly named Doctor Zero at Hot Air: Radio and television host Glenn Beck finds himself confronting an advertiser boycott, organized by peo
From the aptly named Doctor Zero at Hot Air:
Radio and television host Glenn Beck finds himself confronting an advertiser boycott, organized by people who don’t watch his show anyway. The primary effect of the boycott will be denying advertisers like Best Buy, CVS, and Travelocity access to Beck’s immense and rapidly growing audience. (By the way, one of the participating advertisers is GMAC. Don’t we taxpayers own five or six billion dollars worth of GMAC? Something tells me the boycott supporters include a far larger percentage of people who don’t pay any federal income tax than Beck’s audience does. GMAC should require permission from actual taxpayers before it’s allowed to engage in a silly boycott that could damage its profitability, and devalue our five billion dollar investment.)
Oh, but Doctor Zero isn't finished frothing. Obama is just as bad as people who attended KKK rallies because he attended Jeremiah Wright's church:
Perhaps we could defuse the tension by asking the boycott organizers if they think someone who sat quietly at Klan rallies for twenty years could credibly be accused of racism. I’m sure they would say “no”… and since that’s an accurate analogy for Obama’s decades at Jeremiah Wright’s Church of Racial Hatred, Beck would doubtless be moved to offer a polite apology, and we could call the boycott off...
Oh yeah, and one more thing -- Obama has never said or written anything nice about white people, and the good Doctor challenges you to find where he has:
The rest of Beck’s comment, asserting that Obama has “deep-seated hatred for white people of the white culture,” should be easy for the President’s defenders to disprove. All they have to do is cite one positive thing Obama has said or written about white culture. Anywhere. Ever. Hopefully they can get back to us before GMAC needs another taxpayer bailout, to address the self-inflicted financial damage from its participation in the boycott. I wouldn’t recommend wasting any time going through Obama’s university compositions, assuming you can find where they’re buried, and get past the three-headed guard dog... Read on...
Get it? The boycott is nonsense because President Obama really IS a racist and Glenn Beck is just speaking the truth!