University Of Hawaii Football Coach Suspended For "Faggot Dance" Remarks

What's that old saying...If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging? University of Hawaii Football coach Greg McMackin should have dropped the sho

What's that old saying...If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging? University of Hawaii Football coach Greg McMackin should have dropped the shovel long before he did:

The Hawaii football coach who used the word "faggot" three times to describe rival team Notre Dame during a press conference, then asked the press not report on his use of the antigay slur, has been suspended for 30 days without pay in addition to other penalties.

Greg McMackin, who attempted to apologize multiple times during the same press conference -- he said he hoped the press wouldn't report on what he said because he didn't "want to… have every homosexual ticked off at [him]" -- will also receive a 7-percent pay cut. Read on...

McMackin finally issued a formal apology (seen in the above video -- note he apologizes to Notre Dame first) but I honestly have to ask why he still has a job at all. Imagine if he would have used the "N" word to describe Notre Dame's players or the "C" word to describe say, their cheerleaders. Would he have been fired for using those words? Of course he would have. The "F" word is equally as offensive, but apparently, not offensive enough for the powers that be at UH.

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