You're So Left Wing! (Slight Return)

Earlier this year I posted a story about a mind numbing political conversation I had with some of my conservative friends and relatives. No matter what I said, and no matter how much we agreed on certain issues, I was always dismissed as being


Earlier this year I posted a story about a mind numbing political conversation I had with some of my conservative friends and relatives. No matter what I said, and no matter how much we agreed on certain issues, I was always dismissed as being "too far left." I had lunch with some of those same relatives earlier this week and as expected, politics took center stage in our conversation -- and I'm happy to report some progress!

We decided to meet at a local restaurant and right off the bat, I knew things were going to be interesting. My youngest, and most under-informed cousin pulled up in his ginormous SUV adorned with FIRE PELOSI stickers on both the front and back bumpers, and the sound of Rush Limbaugh's voice blasting from the open windows. You see, he has friends in the military and listens to Limbaugh so he knows everything there is to know about politics, the economy, war and social issues. Oh, and he's 21 and earns just under $22k a year. We'll call him cousin #1.

We were seated at a table and before the server could even introduce herself, cousin #1 looked across at me and said "So, what do you think 'bout your glory boy Obama now?" I knew it was coming and was prepared for battle, but before I could get a word out, cousin #2 jumped in and said "He's still a hell of a lot better than Bush and THANK GOD McCain and Palin didn't win!" And it was on like Donkey Kong. I just sat and smiled because the cousin who came to my defense was the first one to call me a "leftist" in our last conversation. He (and his wife) had finally seen the light and now realize how toxic the GOP and their media are to our nation. I was shocked at how their conversion to the truth was so strong that they even chided corporatist Democrats like Ben Nelson! Can I get an AMEN?

To be perfectly honest, I didn't really participate in the conversation all that much. I didn't have to. The two cousins sparred for the better part of the meal and I sat and nodded my head - when I wasn't defending my new "leftist" cousin. Cousin #1 left the restaurant looking defeated and confused, albeit better informed than when he walked in. He conceded nothing, but was forced to admit that the Republican party had turned into a bunch of far right wing extremists and probably more extreme than he was comfortable with.

It was nice to finally be vindicated by two family members who were at one time, rabid Fox News watching Republicans. It took me years, but it was well worth the fight. If any of you need to vent about Republican friends, family or co-workers, please use this thread to get it off your chest!

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