C&L's Late Nite Music Club - The 50 State Strategy With A Hawk And A Hacksaw (NM)

Tonight the 50 State Strategy takes us to New Mexico, where Albuquerque folk/klezmer/fusion (face it, they're hard to categorize) troupe A Hawk and A

Tonight the 50 State Strategy takes us to New Mexico, where Albuquerque folk/klezmer/fusion (face it, they're hard to categorize) troupe A Hawk and A Hacksaw holds court. Former Neutral Milk Hotel drummer Jeremy Barnes and violinist Heather Trost sometimes go out as a duo and give walking concerts through public areas, or play large shows with their large, sprawling collective. Either way, they're one of the more adventurous musical acts out there today -- and unlike the Shins, they still live in New Mexico. Enjoy.

Every Monday night, C&L's Late Nite Music Club showcases an act from every state, alphabetically by state, as part of LNMC's 50 State Strategy. Know a band or artist that you think is the best in their state? Email suggestions to latenitemusicclub [at] gmail.com. Next week: New York (oh boy...)

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