Mike's Blog Round Up
Forget the overpriced chocolate and roses today, or whatever it is you normally do on the silly, corporately-manufactured occasion of Valentine's Day. Instead, demand an end to violence against women and girls: 1 Billion Rising. And there was
Forget the overpriced chocolate and roses today, or whatever it is you normally do on the silly, corporately-manufactured occasion of Valentine's Day. Instead, demand an end to violence against women and girls: 1 Billion Rising.
And there was Darwin Day a couple of days ago. A good time to reflect on Republican opposition to science, like when Rubio said in his SOTU rebuttal that nothing should be done about climate change because "government can't change the weather." And this guy's supposedly one of the smarter ones.
Connecting the Dots: Obama's SOTU assault on the Tea Party barricades is just the start of a long siege.
Occasional Planet: Obamacare was designed to strengthen, expand, and more deeply entrench corporate control of health-care delivery.
Prairie Weather: In cowardly America, our narcissism is so intense, so deep, that we reserve the right to kill ourselves through self-indulgence.
Round-up by Michael J.W. Stickings of The Reaction (@mjwstickings). I'll be here all week.
Send tips to mbru AT crooksandliars DOT com.