Mike's Blog Round Up

There's a great scene in Annie Hall where a Rolling Stone reporter and self-described "Rosicrucian" played by Shelley Duvall asks Alvy Singer (Woody Allen), in bed, "I hope you don't mind that I took so long to finish." "Don't be silly," he replies,

There's a great scene in Annie Hall where a Rolling Stone reporter and self-described "Rosicrucian" played by Shelley Duvall asks Alvy Singer (Woody Allen), in bed, "I hope you don't mind that I took so long to finish." "Don't be silly," he replies, "I'm starting to get some feeling back in my jaw." "Sex with you is really a Kafkaesque experience," she notes. (She means it as a compliment.)

Looking back on Tuesday night, that's sort of how I feel. I'm still exhausted. And while I keep trying to make sense of it all, it feels like being in a massive bureaucratic labyrinth of incomprehension. Maybe I'm just in denial. Anyway...

Alternate Brain: Letter to a whiny young Democrat.

Armchair Generalist: The right way to do counter-terrorism.

The Gun Toting Liberal: On the road to complete economic collapse.

Pisani Canadian Adventures: Why Canada is better than the U.S.

And from one of my great contributing editors:

Simply Left Behind: Where do the Dems go from here?

Guest post by Michael J.W. Stickings of The Reaction. E-mail tips to mjwstickings AT yahoo DOT ca.

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