Mike's Blog Round Up

For no good reason, I dedicate this round-up to lyin', cryin' John Boehner, who doesn't seem to understand that if any message was sent on Tuesday, it was that the economy sucks, Republican propaganda works, Obama needs to stop being a

For no good reason, I dedicate this round-up to lyin', cryin' John Boehner, who doesn't seem to understand that if any message was sent on Tuesday, it was that the economy sucks, Republican propaganda works, Obama needs to stop being a progressivism-dismissing centrist, and Democrats, cowardly, appeasement-minded Democrats, should have done better to expose the GOP as the party of crazy right-wing extremism it really is – not that the American people, outside of the Tea Party and Fox News, really want the Republicans to govern in any meaningful way.

Kiko's House: The GOP's "Four F" strategy to control the Tea Party.

P.M. Carpenter: How Obama is strategically setting up the GOP.

The Fourth Branch: Up close and personal with The Constitution Party.

Pruning Shears: The insidious (neo-liberal) fetishization of efficiency.

And from the wonderful Libby Spencer, a blogger at my place:
The Impolitic:

Yes, there's still hope for genuine change.
Guest post by Michael J.W. Stickings of The Reaction. E-mail tips to mjwstickings AT yahoo DOT ca.

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