Mike's Blog Round Up
So I saw Super 8 over the weekend, and it temporarily restored my faith in Hollywood. A remarkably Spielbergian effort (in a really good way). Got any comments on the otherwise atrocious summer movie season so far? Lippmann's Ghost: Paul Ryan is
So I saw Super 8 over the weekend, and it temporarily restored my faith in Hollywood. A remarkably Spielbergian effort (in a really good way). Got any comments on the otherwise atrocious summer movie season so far?
Lippmann's Ghost: Paul Ryan is drinking his own Medicare reform bath water.
Newshoggers: Rick Perry is vigorously embracing the bigoted, theocratic right.
The Moderate Voice: Mitt Romney is flipping and flopping like crazy, desperately trying to play the GOP's anti-Obama smear game.
Bark Bark Woof Woof: Yes, believe it or not, even David Brooks has come to realize the Republicans aren't normal.
Round-up by Michael J.W. Stickings of The Reaction. I'll be here all week.
Send tips to mbru@crooksandliars.com.