Mike's Blog Round Up

Wait, part of Romney's "closing argument" is that if he's not elected Republicans in Congress will essentially destroy the economy by refusing to increase the debt ceiling? He's threatening voters with the craziness of his own party? Nice, Mitt.

Wait, part of Romney's "closing argument" is that if he's not elected Republicans in Congress will essentially destroy the economy by refusing to increase the debt ceiling? He's threatening voters with the craziness of his own party? Nice, Mitt. Very nice.

Mario Piperni: A vote for Obama is a vote for a better, brighter future.

Take My Country Back: Republicans handed Obama a gift with their crazy conspiracy theories about the solid jobs numbers.

The Impolitic: The rest of the world is overwhelmingly pro-Obama. But at least Mitt gets Pakistan's Electoral College votes!

The Duck of Minerva: Thoughts on Hurricane Sandy, extreme weather, and climate change.

Round-up by Michael J.W. Stickings of The Reaction (@mjwstickings). I'll be here through Sunday.

Send tips to mbru@crooksandliars.com.

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