Mike's Blog Round Up

Say it with me now, friends: No cuts to Social Security. Period. "Chained CPI" is the thin end of the wedge for Republicans in their ongoing effort to gut the program and destroy the New Deal. President Obama has public opinion on his side and

Say it with me now, friends: No cuts to Social Security. Period. "Chained CPI" is the thin end of the wedge for Republicans in their ongoing effort to gut the program and destroy the New Deal. President Obama has public opinion on his side and therefore significant leverage. Shouldn't he use it instead of caving in to Boehner and the deficit scolds?

Occasional Planet: Ten ways to stay politically engaged.

Prairie Weather: Guess who benefits from entitlements.

Goblinbooks: A message to the NRA from Robert E. Lee.

Take My Country Back: Guns (and gun lunacy) – providing freedom and taking it away since 1791.

Round-up by Michael J.W. Stickings of The Reaction (@mjwstickings). I'll be here all week.

Send tips to mbru@crooksandliars.com.

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