Mike's Blog Roundup

Matthew Yglesias: 'Centrists' eliminated 600,000 worth of jobs from the stimulus package.  Bipartisanship works to better America?  My asterisk! Ec

Matthew Yglesias: 'Centrists' eliminated 600,000 worth of jobs from the stimulus package.  Bipartisanship works to better America?  My asterisk!

Echidne of the Snakes: For moral obtuseness THIS Pope’s aborted rehabilitation of bishop Richard Williamson sets a landmark in this monumentally obtuse papacy.

Bad Astronomy: Did the founder of the antivax movement fake autism-vaccine link?

The Brad Blog: Filibuster Math: Dems should not seat Gregg's replacement until Franken is seated first

Cause For Concern: 3M: The White House energy plan

Norman Podhoretz gets wild man lessons from Norman Mailer! Barack Obama gets screwing-up-the-Middle-East lessons from every president since Eisenhower! And conservatives, not content with trashing the present, lie about the past! It's all in The Opinion Mill's Weekend Bookchat

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