Mike's Blog Roundup

The Big Picture: Rick Santelli's planted rant The Poor Man Institute: CPAC off da chain ACSBlog: The Obama administration is defending the constitut

The Big Picture: Rick Santelli's planted rant

The Poor Man Institute: CPAC off da chain

ACSBlog: The Obama administration is defending the constitutionality of a law that shields telecommunications companies from legal challenges over their support of the Bush administration’s domestic spying program.  What position will they take on the subpoena case?

The Moderate Voice: The Bush Years' Debt Legacy

The Galloping Beaver: An immune molecule that attacks a wide range of flu viruses has been discovered

HOLY CRAP: How to respond to requests to debate creationists...But all the GOP contenders for 2012 are creationists..Homosex-fest...Christian Dominionists cannot count...Dobson resigns...Saudi lingerie trade in a twist...Witches and Demons and Republicans...The FundamentaList...Ministry layoffs...Praying for the Stimulus package?...'Sex-Crazed' evangelicals...The Enlightenment was bad...Sunday School with Michael Medved... Bible Class...Vatican acknowledges Darwin was right...Republican Faith Chat...Atheists’ prayers answered...Satan's Stimulus Bill...By The Book Comics

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