Mike's Blog Roundup

Mother Jones: Make Cap-and-Trade into a bad joke Consortiumnews: Chas Freeman has spent a goodly part of the last 10 years raising questions that oth

Mother Jones: Make Cap-and-Trade into a bad joke

Consortiumnews: Chas Freeman has spent a goodly part of the last 10 years raising questions that otherwise might never get answered -- or even asked -- because they're too embarrassing, awkward, or difficult. Apparently, that scares lots of neocons and wingers.

DownWithTyranny!: How many "Democrats" will desert working families on the Employees Free Choice Act?

Talking Points Memo: How the Rules Were Rigged

the talking dog: Good news/bad news from the U.S, Supreme Court

ANNALS OF JOURNALISM: Media tax fraud...Faith in the Dow...WaPo brings back Mr. Dow 36,000...CNBC Smackdown...The Rest of Paul Harvey's story...Fox's Fantasyland railroad...Moron with keyboard...Our 'serious' media is sooo liberal...Woodruff parrots GOP talking points to WH budget director...ABC finds funny animals and food in spending bill...NYT readers spit coffee...Media Misdiagnosis...Hometown newspaper...

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