Mike's Blog Roundup

GOPnot4me: Postcards from the recession. 35 counties in the USA have half the foreclosures Welcome Back to Pottersville: Top Ten Conservative Books o

GOPnot4me: Postcards from the recession. 35 counties in the USA have half the foreclosures

Welcome Back to Pottersville: Top Ten Conservative Books of All Time

Electronic Frontier Foundation: A how-to guide for protecting your private data against government spying.

Seeing the Forest: What's going on with banks

Just An Earth-Bound Misfit: Sh*t that Republicans should have done

HOLY CRAP: Attacking ‘Godless Americans’ is cool...Oklahoma lawmaker: "Don't teach science"...How did Richard Dawkins react to the news?...Excommunication breakdown...Jesus Wept...Texas is awesome...Mormons not satisfied yet...Say goodbye to "Satanic Wickedness"...Some religions more equal than others...Florists need protection...Clinging to Religion...Catholics for Sibelius...Rod Parsley hates Pastor Dan...Mormon beefcake...Too much religion in government...50 reasons to reject Evolution...H - E - double hockey sticks...Thy will be done...Mormon pickup lines...Finally,tonight, Jesus....

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