Mike's Blog Roundup
Obsidian Wings: Obama's Harriet Miers? (h/t Reader labrador) Scott Horton: Condi's really bad day Sadly, No!: Brave Sir Andy ran away and this 'p
Obsidian Wings: Obama's Harriet Miers? (h/t Reader labrador)
Scott Horton: Condi's really bad day
Sadly, No!: Brave Sir Andy ran away and this 'principled' sh*theel is in full flight from reality
Firedoglake: Chrysler Bankruptcy: Vulture Fund guy gets even
D-Day: The news leaking out from the bank stress tests just got worse
HOLY CRAP: Catholic Bigotry Rides Again...Christian douchebag, and "Dean" of Liberty U. Law School weighs in on torture...Which begs the question: Who Would Jesus Torture?...And what about the Islamofascists?...Thanks for noticing...“Mormon Mafia”...Stay Classy, Florida...Texas Intellect Massacre...Meet R. J. Rushdoony, mentor to Christianist bigots...God Squad attacks Holocaust history...The FundamentaList...The hell we aint!...