Mike's Blog Roundup

Electric Politics: Russ Baker talks about his new book, "Family of Secrets," a thoughtful, massively researched look at Bush family political intrigue

Electric Politics: Russ Baker talks about his new book, "Family of Secrets," a thoughtful, massively researched look at Bush family political intrigue.

Senate Guru: Quick Hits

Politics In the Zeros: Systematic fraud at public pension funds

Papamoka Straight Talk: Boston Racist Talk Radio

Needlenose : Six years after "Mission Accomplished," why is Obama pretending there's still a mission?

ANNALS OF JOURNALISM: NYT public editor dances around the truth...Call the Waaambulance ...AP mocks Al Gore's lack of ignorance...Pentagon Pundits still thriving at NBC...A savvy fraud...David Gregory's locution...Another reason why WaPo sucks ...Shepard Smith is Shrill...If only these people weren't here...Who betrayed 'Objective' journalism?...Long road to a Pulitzer...The meaning of 'dissent'...Millionaire outrage...Torture Pimps...Yeah, what Billy said... NPR hackery...

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