Mike's Blog Roundup

Watchdog Blog: As U.S. Senator, John McCain helped hide evidence and close the books on Vietnam MIAs, but the mainstream press has refused to touch th

Watchdog Blog: As U.S. Senator, John McCain helped hide evidence and close the books on Vietnam MIAs, but the mainstream press has refused to touch the story.

Pharyngula: We knew she was dumb as a rock, but this is appalling...

Jon Swift: Great Moments In Election Year Blogging

Southern Beale: Guess who was the highest paid member of the McCain campaign for the first half of October? BTW, is $900 too much for a spray-on tan? (h/t Barney C.)

pandagon: Attention Hollywood Conservatives: Stop with the 'victim' routine. Real victims, like those who were blacklisted during the Red Scare period, had brains, guts, and talent. Besides, one of the key players in the HUAC was notorious red-baiter and Republican, Richard Nixon. Unfortunately, the cooperating president of SAG back in those dark days was a spineless snitch who was more interested in covering his own ass than in standing up to demagogues.

Bob Geiger: The Saturday Cartoons

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