Mike's Blog Roundup
Newshoggers: Obama's insistence on sheltering the toxic fallout survivors of Bush's criminal policies has already poisoned his presidency for me TAPP
Newshoggers: Obama's insistence on sheltering the toxic fallout survivors of Bush's criminal policies has already poisoned his presidency for me
TAPPED: WTF? In the wake of George Tiller's assassination, Obama has appointed Alexia Kelley, executive director of Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good (CACG), to head the Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships at the Department of Health and Human Services. Kelley has made it clear that she seeks to reduce access to abortion.
Corrente: Robert Reich on how Olympia Snowe's "trigger" will kill the public option
Emptywheel: All the News the NYT does not see fit to print
Mugsy’s Rap Sheet: We don't always agree with the president, but we haven't accused him of treason. Sign the petition to censure Senator Inhofe for his dishonest and destructive attacks on Obama
WEB TV News: Tired of the same old TV propaganda? You can get some of the rest of the world's here (hat tip CW)