Mike's Blog Roundup

Donklephant: Wal-Mart backs employer health care insurance mandate pandagon: Between Arizona and Oklahoma, your right to purchase whatever sh*tty ins

Donklephant: Wal-Mart backs employer health care insurance mandate

pandagon: Between Arizona and Oklahoma, your right to purchase whatever sh*tty insurance you want while cheating on your wife with someone who looks disturbingly like Rahm Emmanuel will remain unviolated by Barack Obama.

The Political Carnival: Is Michelle Bachman insane or just a pathological liar?

Southern Poverty Law Center: Mississippi pol said to be Governor Barbour's ally speaks to an infamous racist group

MoJo Blog: Although house prices are still declining, they're declining at a slower rate than before.  Hooray!

HOLY CRAP: Crazy For God...This Week in God...Social conservatives fall from grace...OY!...Satan's Synagogue...God's plan for Sanford...Sarah Palin's letters from God...Fake History...Porn “Prophet”...Under God...Dear Wiley Drake...Twisted Father/Daughter Purity Balls...Ralph Reed founds "Not Your Daddy's Christian Coalition"...Reality and its rivals...PBS's new ban on religious programming

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