Mike's Blog Roundup

Project On Government Oversight: Retaliation: Whistleblower allegedly forced out after helping to expose the guard scandal at the U.S. Embassy in Kabu

Project On Government Oversight: Retaliation: Whistleblower allegedly forced out after helping to expose the guard scandal at the U.S. Embassy in Kabul

TPMMuckraker: While lunatics debate whether a president should be permitted to address the nation's youth, there's an education story bubbling up in Texas that could have considerably more far-reaching consequences.

The Washington Independent: Glenn Beck's next target: Cass Sunstein

Whiskey Fire: A world-besotted wingnut attempts to imitate Swift, and ends up not so much lacerating his breast as serving human stupidity.

Let's Try Democracy: There Are So Many Days That Have Not Yet Broken

Newsifact: Right-wing mob attacks Roger Federer during doctor's visit

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