Mike's Blog Roundup

ShortsandPants: Quote of the Day. Blue Gal explains how these lying hypocrites can make such outlandish claims with a straight face. Invictus: Purge

ShortsandPants: Quote of the Day. Blue Gal explains how these lying hypocrites can make such outlandish claims with a straight face.

Invictus: Purge at the White House on torture and detainee policies?

Capital Eye: Watchdog groups detail political contributions in ways never before documented

Kevin Drum: The New Obstruction

Facing South: Health Bill Hypocrisy? *Republicans* led the push for Louisiana funding that wound up in the Senate bill

ANNALS OF JOURNALISM: Yoo still here?....'Beat Reporters'...Another reason TIME sux...More sources of B.S. gone...Nationalist narcissism...Murdoch & Microsoft....Pathological-Liar...The news about the internet...A new horizon for the news...Comedy Gold...Were these accidents?...NYT's notion of "pragmatism"...Feckless media...STFU... Modern Media...Less talk, more war...CNN will keep his seat warm...More Fox/wingnut bullsh*t...Inside the Dean Dome

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